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Empowering families to become self-sufficient.

Young african american woman wearing den

dress with confidence


At Love Wear You Live Too, we believe that the journey to self-sufficiency starts with confidence. We understand that part of the process of getting off to a great start or even starting over is going to new schools, getting new jobs and making new friends. We provide families with clothing to meet all these new challenges. The clothes we provide are not typical hand-me-downs. We provide fashionable, high-quality and professionally styled apparel just for the family.​


Each family receives a professional consultation where we determine each members style. Once we determine style, each member of the family receives a week's worth of clothing including shoes and accessories to create their look. We also provide them with tips on how to mix pieces of the wardrobe to create new looks. Our goal is to provide families with clothing that they feel comfortable wearing and to give them confidence at school, at work and as they continue to move forward.

We find our families by referral from a range of organizations and people. Clothing is donated by our supportive and generous sponsors and donors. Visit the Donate page to share your wardrobe with men, women and children striving to emerge from poverty and love what they wear.



At Love Wear You Live Too, we believe that a beautiful and inspiring home restores dignity. We integrate modern interior design techniques to provide aesthetically pleasing home environments by refurbishing, recycling and reupholstering used and unwanted home furnishings. We understand that part of this process of starting over is dealing with the shame, guilt, disappointment and often loss that comes along with becoming homeless and poor. So, we provide families with furnishings to lessen the emotional challenges that come along with this journey. The homes we furnish are designed and installed by interior design professionals. We provide suitable, high quality, comfortable and professionally designed rooms for the family.

Each family receives a professional consultation where we determine how the rooms will be occupied and used. Once we determine that, we design each room with the family in mind. We provide the family with furniture, linens and even dishes to make their home feel complete. Women recovering from substance abuse, reentering society from prison, homeless veterans and young women aging out of foster care may qualify for our transitional housing. Our goal is to provide families with the essentials necessary to have a comfortable and inspiring home so that they can move forward to the next stage with dignity.

We find our families by referral from a range of organizations and people. Housing and home furnishings are often donated by our supportive and generous sponsors and donors. Visit the Donate page to share pieces of your home with men, women and children striving to emerge from poverty and love where they live.

Young african american woman isolated on



Our mission is to inspire people, living spaces and communities through fashion and design concepts. Our efforts help support homelessness, poverty and self-sufficiency.

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At Love Wear You Live Too,  we believe that the journey to self-sufficiency includes a plan that help families live healthy and productive lives. Our Child Care and Parent Institutes provide a full-service resource center to parents and children. Our mission is to provide a stimulating early care and education experience for parents and children by nurturing their social/emotional, physical and cognitive development. Our services include childcare, early education, maternal infant health services, parenting classes and other resources to assist parents, grand-parents, guardians and children with a holistic supportive plan addressing all the critical needs of getting off to a great start and breaking the poverty cycle. Visit the childcare page to support our child care programs for men, women and children striving to emerge from poverty and love where they learn

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